Friday, July 14, 2017

OMG! Back to 1965 and one 1955. The OL with lion was my first of OL subs. And inspired me to be outdoor writer. #sportsafield #ronspomeroutdoors #oldmagazines #sellingmemories #outdoorlife #fieldandstream #tripp #southdakota

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Motherload! Boxes of old Sports Afield mags. in Dad's closet. They're on the auction block tomorrow too. #tripp #sellingout #memories #auction #sellingmemories #oldmagazines #ronspomeroutdoors #southdakota #sportsafield

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The old traps! And a screw jack. Household auction uncovers the past in Tripp, SD. Hope to see a bunch of old friends to match this old stuff tomorrow! #southdakota #grandmashouse #ronspomeroutdoors #auction #memories #sellingmemories #sellingout #tripp

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Grandma's old kitchen range! Burned more corn cobs than wood in it on the Dakota farm. Will be sad auction in Tripp tomorrow. Those are mud dauber marks, not rust. #ronspomeroutdoors #memories❤ #woodstove #grandmashouse #kitchenrange #woodburner #southdakota

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