Thursday, August 14, 2014

But Why Must You Hunt Bears?

Why Do You Hunt Bears?by Ron SpomerVancouver Island hunter with black bear.       This bear hunting video on Ron Spomer Outdoors You Tube channel prompted what appeared to be a polite, sincere query from a viewer: That s awesome that you re supporting wildlife and habitat programs, but what was the point of shooting this bear? Was it a threat to your life? Was it self-defense? Was it survival (trying to find food)? Why was this innocent bear shot is my question?        Here s is my short (for this topic) response:        After 50+ years as a hunter, I understand humans atavistic impetus to hunt as akin to the same urge in wolves, lions, eagles and orcas. It is a genetic impulse tempered in humans by awe, honor, respect, love and a burning desire to interact with Nature, to be a player, an integral part of Nature s functioning system of carnivores controlling herbivores so that time-tested systems of checks and balances function. Most of us don t think of it that way. We j

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