Sunday, September 22, 2019

FTW Ranch shooting instructor Israel caught me waiting my turn to walk the safari buffalo trail. They were literally popping out of wood work, but I managed to stop them all with @remingtonarmscompany M700 Safari rifle in 375 Holland. Shooting Barnes Custom Ammo and Swarovski Z8 1-8x scope. Fast. Great place to train your safari gun handling. #swarovskioptik_hunting #ftwranch #m700 #375hh #ronspomeroutdoors #safariguideintraining #huntertraining @swarovskioptik_hunting @barnesbullets

‘’Tis the season to fire up. Clearing trails and making firewood with @polarisrangerofficial 900XP. This horse goes anywhere! #firewood #trailmaintenance #cuttingtrail #ranger #polarisranger900xp #whosewoodsthesesareithinkiknow #c…

My queen and I on the brink of the Pacific. How lucky did I get!? Thanks Brady. We usually forget to take selfies. #wifelife #betterhalf #rarephoto #togetheragain #californiadreamin #takeabreak #herewebe #justthetwoofus